Pokémon Ghost is a non-profit fan site.
It is made by a fan, for other Pokémon fans to enjoy.
It is in
no way related or associated with:
Gamefreak, Creatures, Warner Brothers, Nintendo of America, Nintendo of Japan, 4 Kids Entertainment, Wizards of the Coast or any other company that owns rights to Pokémon.
Pokémon, all Pokémon names and all Pokémon images used are copyright:
Gamefreak, Nintendo of America, Nintendo of Japan, Creatures and it's respected owners. National syndication rights of Pokémon are owned by Warner Brothers. Pokémon the Trading Card Game is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast, Hasbro. We try extremely hard to avoid violating "Fair Use" policies of these materials.
You can contact the admin directly
by clicking here
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official release.